PROJECT: ‘Defect Free’Â
Hino Motors Canada were looking for a way to promote their dedication to quality control.  After a truck comes off the assembly line, before it can be delivered to the waiting customer it goes through a rigorous and multifaceted inspection.
We pitched them on the idea of filming the inspection process and making a music video.  But we took it a step further.  While we were filming, we also recorded the over 200 distinct sounds made during the inspection process, sampled them and sent them to a composer.  The composer used the inspection sounds as notes, along with a little bit of organ, to compose ‘Defect Free’.
2:00 Social Media Music Video
We decided early on in the creative process that it would be a shame to stop at a single video.  We settled on two shorter versions: a 35-sec version reformatted to 300 x 250 so it fit within the confines of a big box banner; and a 19-sec version [below] that they used in a pre-play campaign on the Today’s Trucking and Truck News websites.  The two additional videos ensured Hino maximized their ROI on this project.
35-sec Big Box Commercial
19-sec Pre-Play Commercial
I’ve worked with Dan Robinson on numerous projects since early 2013, and he’s become an integral part of our marketing team. Dan and his team are talented and creative video professionals that bring new insights and fresh perspectives to every project they do for us.Edith Gerodiaz, Marketing Manager, Hino Motors Canada