Marketers know that customer testimonials are an excellent way to showcase a product or brand’s credibility. In fact, 94% of B2B marketing and sales professionals rate customer testimonials as “very effective” or “extremely effective” at influencing purchasing decisions.
Why? Trust! A full 92% of consumers say they trust the recommendation of a customer above all other forms of advertising, with 90% admitting their purchasing decisions are influenced by customer reviews.
To provide budget flexibility, we offer two types of testimonials videos with two price points. Customer Testimonials consist of one interviewee with bullet points and very few support visuals. Less expensive on a per-video basis, this style is a cost-effective way to produce a library of testimonials. Customer Case Studies are documentary-style videos that tell a larger story of how one customer benefitted from your product or service.
Customer Case Studies require a crew of two or three working at the customer’s location for a full day. They usually involve two or three on-camera interviews, with the final “story” constructed in a challenge – solution – results story arc. A half day will be spent capturing visuals to support their story. For one customer, we were able to extract 4 videos from each case study – a longer main video and three topic specific shorter ones. [examples below]
Customer Testimonials can take as little as 20 minutes of your customers’ time, and be taped on location or at the Newcom studio. For one customer we taped 10 customer testimonials in a single day at their annual User Conference. [examples below]